The After School Klub Pty Ltd
Financial information
Last reported 2022-23
Last reported 2022-23
Note: Many factors influence a provider’s revenue and/or profits. Please contact the provider directly if you have any questions about the financial information displayed on this page.
Services (33)
- The After School Klub - Stanmore
- The After School Klub Arncliffe
- The After School Klub Arncliffe West
- The After School Klub Athelstane
- The After School Klub Bankstown South
- The After School Klub Bayanami
- The After School Klub Belmore South
- The After School Klub Bexley
- The After School Klub Camdenville
- The After School Klub CCGS
- The After School Klub Charlestown East
- The After School Klub Darcy Road
- The After School Klub Elermore Vale
- The After School Klub Erina Heights
- The After School Klub Excelsior
- The After School Klub Hamilton
- The After School Klub Islington
- The After School Klub Jamisontown
- The After School Klub Lake Munmorah
- The After School Klub Lucas Heights
- The After School Klub Marrickville West
- The After School Klub Merewether
- The After School Klub Ngarala
- The After School Klub Ourimbah
- The After School Klub Padstow North
- The After School Klub Tacoma
- The After School Klub Taverners Hill
- The After School Klub The Entrance
- The After School Klub The Junction
- The After School Klub Wagga Wagga
- The After School Klub Wentworth Falls
- The After School Klub Wycliffe Christian School
- The After School Klub Yeo Park
This list of services is from data supplied by providers via the Australian Government's Provider Entry Point (PEP). Services displayed are at a certain point in time and are updated twice a year prior to each large provider reporting period. Large providers with less than 25 services listed, are considered large due to the related provider definitions under the Family Assistance Act.